Creating Wealth Through Unconventional Wisdom

Creating alternative wealth strategies requires researching various facets of taxes, wealth and lifestyles. Our ability to create wealth and retain wealth has the same multitude of refractions and colors of a Prism.

We have mastered market performance.

We guide you beyond just saving money on taxes, banking, and investments like those available with the average financial services professional.

We teach you how to think differently about your assets by applying proven methods we have used and refined for decades. You haven’t accumulated the wealth you hold by doing things the same as everyone else so why should your financial advisor use standard tactics that produce mediocre results?

When you’re looking for more, you find resilience with Resilient Financial.

The 360º Prism provides our clients with a 360º holistic view of their life, their wealth, and their future.

It provides them with true options that are customized alternative solutions to give back 100% control of their future.

The 4 Prisms

We manage 4 different prisms which provide true alternatives from the rest of the entire global market.


Reflections for True Retirement

You are likely paying $9.50 in taxes for every $1.00 you save in your 401(k) or your IRA. Allow us to show you a way to build the retirement of your dreams so you can reflect on a truly amazing lifestyle.


Private Financing

Build a self-funding financial machine to purchase real estate, automobiles, trucks, and other capital expenditures – and still pay yourself.


All-in-One Mortgage

Imagine paying your own mortgage off in just 7 years, at close to the same monthly payment you would be making with a traditional 30-year loan – and save 40% at the same time!


Your Wall Street Alternatives

Wall Street is not your friend. Allow us to show you how to create true wealth without the risk of loss that you find in the market.

Unique and Proven Programs

Each one of our 360º Prism alternatives are unique and proven programs which will enhance your quality of life, provide liquidity in your bank accounts and set you up for true freedom in retirement.
We are becoming the new standard by which others will be measuring their return. We provide you with the flexibility to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams.

Ready to take control of your money?

Resilient Financial is ready to help you take control of your finances and create wealth with our unique 360º Prism programs.